If you are logged on to a school computer

Hold down Ctrl, Alt and press Delete. From the menu that appears, pick Change a password.

On the next screen, enter your old password, then your new password, and finally confirm your new password. Press the Enter key once you're done.

Please note your password will need to meet the following requirements:

- At least 10 characters long

- Contains a mixture of upper case/lower case letters, numbers and symbols

- Not contain your username or something easy to guess like "password".

If you are on your own personal device

Go to https://www.office.com/ and log in, then click on the Settings cog near the top right.

From the menu that appears, click Change your password.

On the next screen, enter your old password, then your new password, and finally confirm your new password. Click on Submit when you're done.

Please note your password will need to meet the following requirements:

- At least 10 characters long

- Contains a mixture of upper case/lower case letters, numbers and symbols

- Not contain your username or something easy to guess like "password".