1. Click on the people icon:
  2. Click on Contacts at the left:

    This should then bring up a list of all contacts which were in your old Outlook account.
  3. To create a new contact list, click on the down arrow next to the New button, then select Contact List:
  4. Enter the name for the contact list, then type in the name or email address of the first person you wish to add in the Add members box:

    It will show any recently used contacts when you begin typing. Click on a name to add them to the list.
  5. Once completed, click on Save:
  6. To send mail to the new contact list, begin a new email then click on the To button:

    Your list will appear in the contacts screen which pops up. Click on the cross to the right of your list then press Save.
  7. Once you have already emailed the list, you can send additional email by just typing the list name and selecting it from the “recently used” list which appears.