You can amend or delete any bookings that you have created on the system. Go to the date and room/bus you want to amend


Weekly Screen:


Click on Edit



Tick the bookings you want to change – you can only select your own ad-hoc bookings. You can use the tick boxes in the column and row headers to select an entire column or row at once.


Enter the new name you want into the box at the top and click on Save. To delete the booking, leave the Name box blank and press Save.


Daily Screen:


Click on the individual day at the top of the column:


On the single-day view, click on Edit

Tick the slots you want to amend or delete, if it’s the entire day you can use the box at the top to select all. Enter the new name into the Booking Name box at the top and press Apply, then Save. If you want to delete the booking, leave the box empty and press Apply to blank out your existing bookings.