Forms are quite easy to set up - go to, sign in and then find the Forms icon in the "waffle" at the top left.

  1. Click the dropdown next to "New Quiz" to select "New Form"
  2. Fill out the form name and description:
  3. If you want to add a header image, click the icon to the right of the form name (in above screenshot)
  4. Click "Add New" to add a new question, then pick "Text"
  5. Fill out the question ("Name" in this example), and select whether it's a long text box (it isn't in this case), or if it's a required field.
  6. Click "Add New" and add a Choice question. Fill out the question and select whether multiple answers are allowed, and if it's a required question:
  7. You can preview the form with the "Preview" button at the top if you wish. Once you are happy with it, click "Send".
  8. Select who can respond - Anyone (anonymous), "Only people in my organisation" (not anonymous, AKS only) or "Specific people in my organisation" (not anonymous, specific people at AKS only).
  9. Tick "Shorten URL" and then Copy the link, to paste into email or social media.