Connecting your mobile device to the school email (iPhone/Quick Guide)

  1. Open the settings for the mail application on your mobile
  2. Add a new account with your email address and password. If asked for a server type select Exchange, if there is no option for Exchange select ActiveSync
  3. Your device should auto-detect the settings. If this does not happen the following settings need entering:
    - Server:
    - Email: (your email address)
     - Username: (your email address)
  4. If prompted to allow security control by the server you need to press Yes/Accept to be able to connect.


Connecting your mobile device to the school email (Android/Long Guide)

Most mobile devices (phones, tablets etc) can be configured to show your school email without having to go through the web browser. Please follow the appropriate instructions:

Android Mobiles (e.g. Samsung, Sony, Nokia etc)


Open the Email app (sometimes called Mail) – if it isn’t on the home screen it will be in the applications menu.




If you already have accounts set up you will need to find the option to add a new account (usually under Email Settings, + Add Account), otherwise with a new phone the Account Setup screen will automatically appear. Enter your email address and network password, then press Next.


When prompted, select that this is an Exchange Active Sync account.


Your device will attempt to automatically find the settings – this may take a minute or so. Once it has finished, correct the settings to match the screenshot (see left) – you will need to change:

Domain\username –
 Server –


Now select Next.










Select OK to allow Remote Security Administration


Select the sync frequency, and what you want to sync with your phone – as a minimum you will want to Sync email from this account.


Select Next, and on the following screen Next again.


Your device will try to sync your email – this may take a while, and at some point it will prompt for Activate Device Administrator – these settings allow you to remotely erase your device’s data from within the school webmail system – e.g. if your phone is lost or stolen.  This must be activated before you can connect to the email system from your device.


You should now be able to send/receive school emails by accessing the Email/Mail app on your phone!